- Authentic Colloidal SILVER the Way it Should Be

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The Authentic & Safe 100% REAL Colloidal Silver.  Not the toxic poison Ionic silver oxide used
to make batteries, nor the toxic developer Ionic silver chloride used to make Kodak film.
Yet that is exactly what most of the other manufacturers are trying to sell you, to drink.

Our bright yellow color and non-light sensitive product . . . proves it’s authenticity.
Rock-solid math and professionally certified chemistry . . . proves it’s quality.
Will not react with any medication or internal bodily process . . . proves it’s safety.
So why would you pay for any inferior imitation product, that is both unsafe and misleading.
Please read over the enlightening facts about REAL Colloidal Silver in our Knowledge Base.

We are now releasing our new product line of Colloidal Gold.  With it's own unique properties
and benefits, Colloidal Gold is the natural compliment to be use along with Real Colloidal Silver.


Products :

20 ppM REAL Colloidal Silver - No Ionic,

$56 cad / 32oz  or  $140 cad / 3 Bottles

100 ppM REAL Colloidal Silver - No Ionic,

$112 cad / 32oz  or  $280 cad / 3 Bottles

40 ppM REAL Colloidal Gold - No Ionic,

$56 cad / 16oz  or  $140 cad / 3 Bottles

Our regular formula can be used both internally and externally.  It can be administered using a spray bottle, to infected eyes, ears, nasal, throat, or aspirated directly into the lungs.  Apply it to a gauze bandage for scrapes, cuts, burns, or let it air-dry on the affected area.  Also, to be consumed daily, and increase the amount when you feel a cold coming on.
Does NOT contain any dangerous ionic silver.

Our concentrated formula has an encapsulating agent used to cap every nano-particle of suspended silver, allowing us to achieve well over 100 ppM.  The capping agent is then digested off, freeing up the nano-particles to be absorbed into the blood stream through the intestines.  This variation of REAL Colloidal Silver is to be used for internal use only.
Does NOT contain any dangerous ionic silver.

The gold additive which has been used in cosmetics for decades to rejuvenate aging skin and repair damaged cells, is now also the Natural Mineral Supplement used to enhance memory, subdue anxiety, and help with a host of other nervous system disorders.  The characteristic deep ruby red color of this new product, proves that it is the REAL Colloidal Gold.
Also contains 2 ppM REAL Colloidal Silver.

Save 25% on 1 Gallon     OR     Save 50%  :  Buy 3 Gallons - Get 3 Gallons FREE !

Start Your Very Own Business.  With 6 gallons of REAL Colloidal Silver, you can RePackage, ReBrand, and ReSell your very own product.  Contact Us, and we will show you how you can start your own trade show or farmers market business, or expand your existing retail store, with virtually Zero Investment.

                                         (6 gallon package only shipped to Canada)  

Current Sale

Our Affiliate Program :  All customers get a 17% savings on their purchase when they buy 3 or more bottles.  Then they are instantly eligible to participate in the program.  Send us an email including your name, email, & address, and state that you want to be an active affiliate, and we will send you your personal QRcode.  Put your QRcode on your social media, business cards, or fliers, and anyone who scans the QRcode will be linked to our site (and we will know that they were referred to us by you).  Once they make any purchase, YOU will get 15% of their purchase sent to you in CASH.  It's really that simple.

Note :
     -  We are sorry. We are currently only shipping to Canada and mainland USA.
     -  All listed prices above are in Canadian Dollars and do not include S&H.
     -  The S&H rates are what Canada Post charges with taxes and fuel surcharge, as an average across the nation
       -  All gallon shipments will require extra lead time when shipping.
      -  Our shopping cart is managed through , an international and secure online financial service.
           No account required.  Just use your credit card safely and securely, as you would with any other online shopping
           cart purchase.  All credit cards are accepted.  
     -  Please visit us on Facebook :                                                      
Current Sale
It’s REAL Science

Why won’t any manufacturer of Ionic/Colloidal Silver ever tell you what is in their product?  They won't tell you, because then you will know the truth.  Otherwise, they just simply have no idea.  They do not have a Chemist on staff.  Just ask them, and force them to answer this question, straight from the horse’s mouth.  If they don't know how to process Real Colloidal Silver, then they should just get out of the business, because lying to the public is so not cool !

If it is CLEAR, then it is SILVER OXIDE, period.  It can not be anything else, since it is made by electrolysis using nothing but water and silver electrodes.  It is Ionic Silver, NOT Colloidal Silver.  They are NOT the same thing.  SILVER OXIDE IS A POISON.  It is the toxic chemical used in making batteries.  DO NOT INGEST IT !

Note what the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - Toxicity Report from an international reputible company says about SILVER OXIDE:

Fisher Scientific Worldwide Inc.  -

Material Safety Data Sheet – SILVER OXIDE

Danger! Strong oxidizer.  Contact with other material may cause a fire.  Harmful if swallowed.  Causes severe respiratory tract irritation.  May cause severe skin irritation and possible burns.  Contact with skin causes irritation and possible burns, especially if the skin is wet or moist.  May cause cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin due to deficient oxygenation of the blood).

Eye: Contact with eyes may cause severe irritation, and possible eye burns. 
Skin: May cause severe irritation and possible burns. 
Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. May cause severe gastrointestinal tract irritation with nausea, vomiting and possible burns. 
Inhalation: May cause irritation of the respiratory tract with burning pain in the nose and throat, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and pulmonary edema. 
Chronic: Chronic inhalation can cause pneumoconiosis.

Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids.  Get medical aid immediately.  Do NOT allow victim to rub eyes or keep eyes closed. 
Skin: Get medical aid immediately.  Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. 
Ingestion: If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water.  Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.  Get medical aid immediately
Inhalation: Get medical aid immediately.  Remove from exposure and move to fresh air immediately.  If not breathing, give artificial respiration.  If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. 
Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively. 
Antidote: None.

[Lethal Dosage/Lethal Concentration – Which Kills 50% of a population.]
CAS# 20667-12-3:
     Oral, mouse: LD50 = 1027 mg/kg;
     Oral, rat: LD50 = 2820 mg/kg;

  • The silver ions of Silver Oxide are so small that they easily penetrate every cell in your body, and then get permanently trapped there, ready to turn blue when sun-tanning.
  • This is why the FDA hates the Colloidal Silver Industry.  Because of the Ionic Silver Fraudsters who are misrepresenting the truth to boost their sales.
  • Be careful in what you buy.  Do not trust what is written on the label.  You want REAL Colloidal Silver.  And this MUST be bright yellow, with absolutely no reddish hue.  And certainly not clear.


FREE SERVICE TO YOU  -  We will investigate any website from a Chemist’s viewpoint, in your behalf:

Because of the deceptive and misleading nature of the entire Colloidal Silver Industry, many find it hard to wade through all the mumbo-jumbo information documented in their many websites.  This is because none of these companies have a Professional Certified Chemist on staff who is bound by a Code Of Ethics, and understand what infact they are trying to sell.

If you are puzzled about any Colloidal Silver company, and would like a Professional Certified Chemist’s viewpoint on the company and their products, then please send us an inquiry using our –Contact-Us– page.  Usually what they print in their website is so full of inaccuracies, lack of knowledge, and deliberate misleading content, that it is easy for a Chemist to catch them with their own words.  Once we expose their errors with their own content, then you will have a much easier time deciding what to buy.

Because there are often so many things wrong with what these companies are saying, please try to be specific in what details you would like investigated.
Thank you.

  EXAMPLE #1 : A Sovereign company of Silver says that Colloidal Silver must be clear, not yellow.
  EXAMPLE #2 : A Sovereign company of Silver says their product is better because it is a Hydrosol.
  EXAMPLE #3 : A Sovereign company of Silver admits that their product is the best because it is clear, but all the while, they are claiming that their product is colloidal silver.

Knowledge Base :

After reading this entire Knowledge Base, we CHALLENGE anyone to DISPROVE the following :
     1) REAL Colloidal Silver must be yellow and not clear,
     2) REAL Colloidal Silver is nano-particles and not dissolved ions in an ionic solution,
     3) REAL Colloidal Silver is not the same thing as toxic Ionic Silver,
     4) REAL Colloidal Silver will not turn your skin blue like toxic Ionic Silver does,
     5) REAL Colloidal Silver works better at killing pathogens than toxic Ionic Silver does.
All explanations must be scientific and backed with credible evidence.  We may ask to publish your response.  Please submit your comment using the -Contact Us- page.  Thank you.

     01) A New Technology in Old Medicine ! 
     02) What is REAL Colloidal Silver? 
     03) Why must REAL Colloidal Silver appear yellow? 
     04) What is a manufacturer selling if it is clear? 
     05) Is ionic silver the same as REAL Colloidal Silver? 
     06) Is it possible to make REAL Colloidal Silver in concentrations over 20 ppM? 
     07) Is it possible to make clear ionic silver in concentrations over 20 ppM? 
     08) How can REAL Colloidal Silver concentration be measured? 
     09) How can clear ionic silver concentration be measured? 
     10) Will REAL Colloidal Silver deposit in the skin? 
     11) Will clear ionic silver deposit in the skin? 
     12) Why does not have a listed shelf life? 
     13) Why does clear ionic silver have a shelf life? 
     14) When is REAL Colloidal Silver completely safe to consume? 
     15) When is clear ionic silver safe to consume? 
     16) Why are some products only slightly yellow compared to
     17) Is the concentration of silver on a label of clear ionic silver believable? 
     18) Is it REAL Colloidal Silver, if a manufacturer uses a dark glass bottle? 
     19) Why is able to use a clear plastic bottle? 
     20) Can REAL Colloidal Silver be made with a high AC voltage arcing method? 
     21) What does ionic silver and REAL Colloidal Silver taste like? 
     22) What is a Particle Size and Its Relevance? 
     23) Are there any simple tests that can be done to prove a fraudulent product? 
     24) Now that I bought a fraudulent product, do I have to throw it out? 
     25) Does claims of patents & FDA endorsements give a manufacturer credibility? 
     26) Does know what they are talking about? 
     27) So how do other silver companies measure up? 
     28) How pure is's product?
     29) Can's 20 ppM colloidal silver be dilute down? 
     30) Some of the many uses of REAL Colloidal Silver . . . 
     31) Why should everyone be especially interested in REAL Colloidal Silver? 
     32) A picture of what some silver products look like. 
Compare REAL Colloidal Silver to Toxic Ionic Silver.  -

1) Ionic silver, a toxic clear solution of silver oxide dissolved in water, produced by electrolysis.
2) Ionic silver, being light-sensitive, will precipitate a black solid when exposed to sunlight.
3) Ionic silver will partially reduce (10%) by capturing extra electrons from the water when heated, resulting in a pail yellow color.
4) REAL Colloidal Silver will have a bright sunflower petal color.  It is stable and will not break down or precipitate, even in a clear plastic bottle.
     33) Pictures of how REAL Colloidal Silver prevents the growth of mold & yeast. 

1 REAL Colloidal Silver Kills Mold.  -  2 REAL Colloidal Silver Kills Mold.  -

1) Left - A new strawberry in a sealed container and let sit 3 days in darkness.
1) Right - Same as the left berry, except it received 1 spray of 20 ppM REAL Colloidal Silver.
2) Left & Right - The same strawberries as in picture #1, but after 4 days in darkness

3 REAL Colloidal Silver Kills Yeast.  -  4 REAL Colloidal Silver Kills Yeast.  -

3) Left - Standard Quick-Rising Bakers Yeast, with 90 ml water and sugar.
3) Right - Added 10 ml of 20 ppM REAL Colloidal Silver, giving a concentration of only 2 ppM.
4) Left & Right - The same yeast mixtures as in picture #3, but after 10 minutes.

Try these simple growth tests yourself.
     34) All About Colloidal GOLD . . . 

What Other Customers Have Said :

I used to use ionic silver, but now I find REALColloidal's Colloidal Silver works much better, and has no metal taste.  I keep a spray bottle in my purse for whenever my throat is getting scratchy, I can spray it a few times.
Bonnie S. - Canada

I have used ionic silver for years to treat the common cold, but I had no idea how dangerous it was to my health.  Now I only use REALColloidal's Colloidal Silver, and it works great.  I am now taking Colloidal Gold for its benefits too.
Shirley B. - Canada

I was reluctant to try REALColloidal's Colloidal Gold but now that I have been using it for about 2 months, I notice a marked improvement with the osteoarthritis in my knees.  I can climb stairs much easier now.
Elizabeth B. - Canada

I just bought a bottle of your REALColloidal's Colloidal Silver.  I've been researching it for the past month.  The basic argument came down to between brand "B" or brand "C".  They both made convincing arguments, to the point that I was at a stand-still.  There where so many questions that they didn't answer.  I went to your website and you filled in the blanks and more.  It was a relief to find out what Colloidal Silver really is and the issue involved.  I wanted to write to you, to express my appeciation for your insight, and look forward to getting your Colloidal Silver in the mail.
Tim J. - United States

I got a sliver in my finger which was invisible to see.  After 3 days my finger swelled up hugely and the pain was unbearable.  So I figured I'd try REALColloidal's Colloidal Silver.  I heated some up in a cup to soften the skin for penetration, and soaked my finger in it for an hour.  To my amazement, the next day the swelling was almost completely gone and the pain was non-existent.  I was then able to get the sliver out with no problem.  So I was able to cancel my doctor's appointment.
Kim B. - Canada

The order came in 6 days in advance and that is awesome.  Since I started using the silver, I have noticed that my athletes foot is now actually healing after most of my life being afflicted with this.  At the same time I believe other minor ailments were being revealed and eliminated, if that is the proper saying.  My whole body seems to be trying to go back to a state of homeostasis.  Just in the 2 weeks that I have used it, I have lost additional weight even though I thought I was at optimal weight.  Anyways, I see the proof and feel it.  Using it on just about any issue that comes up with amazing results.  Thank you.
Ron C. - Canada

Thank you so much for the in-depth and wonderfully informative and valuable reply.  I truly appreciate all of the information and your taking the time to really communicate with me, and for just exceptional service in all respects.  It is a real pleasure to do business with you.  It honestly is. :) :) :)  Also, thanks for treating me like a friend as well as a customer.  I am so happy to be supporting a company with people like you on board.  It's clear to me that the quality of everyone involved is of that same high standard as the silver itself.

Thanks again for the dedication you have all so clearly made to creating such a genuinely effective and pure product.  It really is the best I have ever used and I value every drop of it.  One of the most amazing and beneficial ways that I use Colloidal Silver is to put it in a sinus sprayer bottle.  With other colloidal silvers I have used, there can be a pronounced irritation almost immediately upon spraying the solution directly into the sinuses.  This is not the case at all with the 20 ppm colloidal silver from  Not only is there no irritation whatsoever with your silver, it is quite pleasant and gentle, and there is instant relief on a profound level.  Just this use alone makes having your colloidal silver on hand a must for me.  If people in this world would do just this one thing, using your silver sprayed into their sinuses, it could literally change global health in a very short time.
James G. - United States

Useful Links :

Research on "Ultrastructural Changes in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Induced by Positively Charged Silver Nano-Particles".
. . .

 "Zeta Potential", an electrostatic repulsion layer which keeps silver nano-particles suspended in solution indefinitely.
. . .

 "Antibacterial Activity and Toxicity of Silver Nano-silver Versus Ionic Silver".
. . .

 A Chemistry Professor with a PhD explains analytical lab equipment for "Determining the Properties of Colloidal Silver".
. . .

 A very well written website, summarizing key benefits of colloidal silver.
. . .

 A third party dedicated to presenting scientific facts about Colloidal Silver, and in exposing the fraudulent behavior of Ionic Silver producers.
. . .



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